Frequently asked questions

To receive a free estimate, simply send us a request for an estimate using the contact form. We will then draw up a free estimate and send it to you as soon as possible. However, don't hesitate to specify your situation and expand on the nature of your request so that our team can provide you with an accurate quote.

We are particularly well established in Europe, since our head office is located in France, but we operate all over the world, which is why our site is also translated into English.

For a website, we guarantee a maximum turnaround time of one month from the moment we have all the elements we need to work on the project. During the course of the project, we often come back to the customer to propose certain variants to support the creative prospects of the project. For ancillary services, there is only a lead time, which may vary depending on the service contracted. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions in this area.

Our prices are not available on our website for the simple reason that our prices are based on an hourly rate. So the more time we spend on a project, the more it costs. What's more, the possibilities offered when designing a website are so precise and infinite, it makes pricing impossible for us. In fact, in some cases, we provide a price bracket for certain projects that contain specific requests, as we are unable to assess the time required to respond to this type of request. To find out about our rates, please contact us so that we can draw up a quote for your project.

Our agency stands out for its flexibility and excellence. First of all, there is only one person behind WD Breizh. So you'll always have the same person on the phone or by email, which can make creating and maintaining a website much easier. Secondly, our agency subcontracts certain tasks to freelancers in order to be able to meet our customers' requirements, hence the flexible nature of our agency mentioned above. Secondly, we are renowned for the excellence of our work, since we work with all types of companies in all types of sectors, even internationally.

Website Builder


Certification UX



Website audit


SEO backlinks

html doctype



Website building


Brand Identity

Domain website

SEO Analysis

Digital Strategy



digital advertising

SEO agency








Market Research

SEO Adversiting

backlinks meaning

Online / Digital

Web Analytics

SEO Audit

Brand Identity


Product Design

Omnichannel Strategy

website agency

UX and UI

Media Strategy
